Popular Mobile SEO Tips for Small Businesses
Just about everyone has a smartphone with internet access these days. They take it everywhere, it’s usually on, and they make use of it even while they’re doing other things.Google’s Android has already become the most commonly used operating system, and the World Advertising Research Center projects that 72 percent of the world’s wired population will exclusively be using their smartphone to go online by 2025.What does all of this mean? It means that businesses absolutely have to be attracting and retaining mobile internet users, and the sooner they start the better. These Mobile SEO Tips help small businesses identify mobile specific advertising techniques that are different from the approaches commonly used on computers. There are unique considerations and challenges, but also unique opportunities.Every small business needs a mobile-specific plan for attracting search traffic; this Mobile SEO Tips guide will help increase your business’ search visibility.

6 Elements to Master Small Business Marketing
With numerous tools and platforms to choose from, small business marketing online can be confusing. New strategies frequently appear, offering untapped sources of traffic and targeted customers. In many cases, though, these strategies won’t work unless you have spent the time building the foundations. When your small business has an online presence that can identify targeted audiences, offer them significant value, move them into a sales funnel, and sell your products, you are built for success. So what are the main elements required for small business marketing?